Sovereign Online Retreat

A Women’s Journey to Self Devotion

Live Calls SATURDAYs 10am-12pm CST - February 3 - March 16, 2024

“No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.” - Brené Brown

Mindset, rituals and soulful strategy for becoming the beautiful and powerful being you truly are.

Sovereign Online is a 6 week online course Delivering the best of Jiya’s INTERnaTIONALLY KNOWN work on Self Love.

Through a combination of weekly themes and journal prompts, 7 live integration calls, plus written and recorded material to support the journey, you will receive a huge download of tips for how to bring self love into your life in a practical way.

With the support of your highly experienced facilitator Jiya Julia Randall, as well as an intimate circle of women in a similar phase on the path of self-evolution, you will reconnect to the unique power that you carry.  Give yourself the gift of devotion, and remember your true nature as Queen of your own reality. 

What would it feel like to stand in your wild and wise innate power,

knowing your worth and your purpose in this life,

deeply trusting what you have to offer the world?

What would it feel like to be your own best friend? 

To harness your power and get out of your own way in sharing it? 

What to Expect…

  • Live Calls: We will meet for 7 live calls for 2 hours each, to align in ceremony, to share reflections on the theme of the week, to explore key tools and topics and to deepen connections with new, like-minded friends (Saturdays 10am-12noon)

  • Recorded Content: You will receive practices each week, including meditations, yoga practices and shamanic journeys, as well as an inspirational video all about the theme of the week. To be worked through at your own pace during or after the course

  • Inspirational Manual: The extensive manual will be given to you in digestible pieces each week, and forms the foundation of Jiya’s transformational book of the same name. 

  • Action Steps: Each week you will receive potent and extensive life hacks, broken down into easy to follow action steps for the repatterning of even deep conditioned belief.

  • Facilitator Connection Call: Gain support and trust from a follow up call with your facilitator, Jiya, to support you in the ongoing implementation of your personal Sovereign Strategy.

  • Text Support: Be part of an active communication thread (via Whatsapp) to build relationships with new friends that last well beyond the length of the course.

  • Ritual: Learn how to hold ceremony for yourself, aligning with natural rhythms and creating sacred space for personal connection

  • Journalling prompts: Dive deep into self enquiry and creativity with extensive and inspiring journal questions

This course is for you if:

  • You find yourself dreaming of doing something but keep getting stuck on reasons why you can't

  • You worry about how you look, or what people think, and sometimes feel like those inner voices hold you back

  • You struggle to trust yourself and your decisions, and often seek advice or help outside of yourself

  • You find yourself frequently comparing yourself to others and feel like what you have to offer just simply isn’t as good

  • You get stuck in negative self talk that you just can’t seem to stop

  • You find yourself feeling tired often, or uncertain about your place in life, or overwhelmed with what is happening to you

  • You wonder sometimes if others have a secret key to success that you never learned

  • You feel like you often settle for second best, in relationships, in work, in life, because it feels like there are no other options

  • You feel as if you will be happier when you have done something, such as when you have a partner, lose 20lbs, find that job, master your art, complete that course, etc.

  • You have a passion or hobby in your life that you wish you could give more time to

  • You feel like there’s never enough time for YOU

  • You feel like your imperfections make you unloveable or unworthy or you simply get stuck in feelings of ‘not good enough’.

If any of these resonate, this online course is a retreat for your soul. Jiya Julia Randall guides a journey of intentional connection to yourself, learning the real structures and practices that build true self love. Supported by a strong community of like-minded sisters, that will receive your vulnerability and reflect back your power, this is a 6 week online retreat packed full of meaningful action steps and inspirational invitations for deep devotion to the magnificence that you are. 

The Journey...

Module 1 - Create Space for YOU

Earth - Self Practice - Self Wisdom - Create Space - Commitment

Module 2 - Follow Your Joy

Water - Feminine Power - Forgiveness - Receiving - Feeling 

Module 3 - Honor Your Worth

Fire - Beliefs & Identity - Transmutation - Alignment - Boundaries

Module 4 - Be Your Own Best Friend

Air - Compassion - Connection - Self Care - Self Love 

Module 5 - Radiate Your Light

 Being Seen - Authenticity - Empowered Language - Courage - Creativity

Module 6 - Trust Yourself, Trust the Universe

Resonance - Vision - Intuition - Sovereignty - Synchronicity

Module 7 - Remember Who You Are

Support - Trust - Surrender - Devotion - Clarity


You will be guided through a carefully curated journey of release and empowerment, expressed through various modalities. Group calls will happen on Saturday mornings, with connection calls in between (planned at your leisure). Recorded and Written Material, Personal Quests (activities), and journal prompts will be provided weekly and can be worked through at your own pace. We suggest a time commitment of between 10 and 30 minutes per day for the material.



  • 7 Live Group Coaching Calls (Saturdays, 10am-12noon CST)

  • 6 Connection calls with your sisters (planned at your leisure)

  • 1 Integration call with Jiya Julia

  • Sharing circles with an intimate group of like-minded women

  • Opportunities to discuss your personal challenges in a safe and supportive environment

  • Carefully curated coaching and integration of material to help you get the most out of your experience


“I highly, highly recommend joining the Sovereign Retreat with Jiya Julia and her incredible team of supportive, loving women.

My experience was life-changing and so empowering. You will learn so much about your divine self, about your inner strengths and gifts. I feel more confident than ever, ready to take on the world without fear of judgment or need for validation. The simple, powerful truth that I am enough just the way I am is something I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

If you are at all considering going on this journey, don't doubt it, just do it! The universe is speaking to you for a reason. Our world needs us, women, more than ever to step up and be our true selves, to share the wisdom and love we all have in abundance within us.”

Sofya, Russia

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I will be happier once I have a partner, lose 20lbs, find that job, master my art, complete that course…” and so on? Do you worry about what others think, or notice that your sense of self worth varies according to things people say or do?  

The truth is, our ability to give and receive in this world can never be greater than our level of self acceptance. Claiming sovereignty means that your sense of self comes from within, rather than being dependent on anything outside of you. 

Self Love is a phrase often thrown around in relation to bath bombs and chocolate… with little reference to practical steps towards full integration. In this course, we will explore the idea that self love is a muscle that must be trained each day through the concept of Self-Devotion - to be your own best friend; to honor your true worth and build commitment towards the physical and mental habits that make you feel better.

Imagine no longer having to rely on the external world and on others for validation. 

Imagine no longer hesitating or hiding or hustling for your worth. 

Imagine living in a world where you give yourself full permission to be exactly as you are, perfectly imperfect, divinely aligned.

Imagine knowing beyond all doubt that you have everything you need within. 

This pilgrimage uses the medicine of yoga, ritual, creative exploration and self inquiry to build self love through daily devotion to the exquisite being that you are.

We call it an online pilgrimage because that is truly what this becomes - an intentional venturing towards the holy grail of self-connection. This course provides tools and inspiration for you to nurture your own relationship with yourself - feeding the fire within you in daily action that will ultimately fuel trust in your powerful inner light.

You will be empowered to take your sense of worth into your own hands, carving out time to nurture yourself and, through this dedication, building a lasting inner respect. You will make the shift from the Victim mentality: that the world is ‘happening’ to you and you are struggling to keep up, to the Creator mentality: recognizing your ultimate sovereignty, the control you have in the way you respond to life and the power you have to dream your reality into being. 

Attune to your natural cycles, knowing how to harness the innate wisdom of your womb. Embody and trust your passions, knowing that your pleasure holds the secret keys to your purpose. Embrace your sacred sensuality, your unique voice, and radiate your creative brilliance into the world.

You are a daughter of the Earth, a vibrant thread of the whole, and you belong here. You have a deeply important mission to complete and it’s time to do it.

Now is the time to recognize and claim your own divinity.

Step into the wise, wild woman that you are. 

Want to learn more about sovereignty before committing?

Or book a 1-on-1 Discovery Call with Jiya here!



$777 EARLY BIRD SALE when signing up 2 months ahead of the start date

Payments can be made in three parts with an initial 50% deposit. Discounts cannot be combined.

$150 off for every friend you bring


3 Sessions Personal Sovereignty Coaching $333

Register below with credit card or avoid fees by paying via:

  • Zelle (

  • Paypal (


Jiya is a true inspiration and a great listener. I contacted Jiya to help me find my way back to self love and to be more aligned with my higher self. She constantly reminded me that all answers are inside of me. Jiya helped me identify my core beliefs and made me understand that a lot of my thoughts & actions was based out of fear. So from self doubt and bad self talk I now know that I’m worthy to be loved. Jiya has the ability to push me back to my true self. I now know that I am enough. I’m so so grateful for all of your support, guidance and wisdom. Thank you so much Jiya for believing in me
— Jenny Sunqvist
Jiya has a special gift for working with and guiding people through a spiritual, physical and mental training program. She combines professionalism and fun in her teaching and accepts everyone as an equal student. During the training, Julia demonstrated her strengths as a compassionate, caring individual who has strong leadership and program development skills. I am grateful to have had the experience to learn from and build a relationship with Julia. I strongly recommend her as a teacher and know that her students will gain a better understanding of yoga and peace by working with her.
— Emily Shaw
I would like you to know that you have been such an inspiration to me. You and the other facilitators and Kula founders made this training an unforgettable and true spiritual awakening to me. Thank you for holding space and facilitate all that. I honor you and hope we’ll meet again. Until then I will keep this journey, my opened heart and everything I learned alive.
— Eline Muller
Jiya, head facilitator, held our group with grace and joy and a wealth of knowledge. It made the journey that much richer and cemented the material in me in a profound way. I would absolutely recommend diving into one of Kula’s numerous trainings as I hope to do again in the near future!
— Avigail Katzman
She is a teacher who guided me to see things that were within me all along. Because of this approach to teaching I leant things that did not just stop at the yoga training but they have also stayed with me back home. Her dedication, truth and honesty is such a gift to be in the company of. She has such a vast amount of experience and knowledge and I am so grateful that she shares this with the world!
— Claire Arbuckle